Photographer:Loretta | Sri Aurobindo's Symbol In Mother's Symbol - Designed By Mother Photographer:Ashram Archives | Mother Giving Darshan - 29/12/67 Photographer:Ashram Archives | Mother Giving Darshan - 29/12/67
29 Nov / 2016Program by:

Mother's Q & A – 2/5/56

Mother’s Questions And Answers, May 2, 1956

In this class, for the first time since the Supramental Manifestation of February 29, 1956, people begin to ask questions about it. Mother speaks about who can be aware of the new force in the atmosphere and why people might not be able to have any experience of the new force. She also speaks about what people can do to relate to and receive these forces which are now in the earth atmosphere. She explains the difference between a “descent” and a “manifestation”.