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26 Nov / 2018Program by:
Featured: MotherLanguage: English

Mother's Q And A, 19/12/56

Mother explains that thought is a principle of precise formation with the power to create the forms that shape us. We can become all that we think we can be. We can consciously form ourselves by choosing what we want to think about and rejecting what we don’t want to think about. First we have the vision of the truth of our being – our chosen direction – then this truth formulates itself into thought and then the thought creates the action. This knowledge – that all one thinks one can be – gives a very important key for our development. It also shows the great importance of not allowing ourselves to think about what we don’t want, or what we don’t like, or what we fear. Keeping these thoughts gives them a sort of right to exist inside us and gives them a power of realisation. Then Mother speaks about becoming perfectly sincere. She details many subtle insincerities. We have to get beyond dualities and our ego and give ourselves completely to the will of the Divine. Otherwise our mental, vital and physical functions are falsified to conform to our attractions and repulsions. These teachings are useful tools to work on the things Mother taught last time – how we are unconsciously formed and moved by outside influences. This week we have the original tape recording of Mother’s Class. It will play after the English translation.