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17 Dec / 2018Program by:
Featured: MotherLanguage: English

Mother’s Q And A, 2/1/57

Mother explains that the only way we can be outside time and space is to go completely out of the Manifestation and return to the One Unmanifest Supreme. Then Mother explains her New Year message for 1957 by speaking about the world-famous photo exhibition, “The Family Of Man”. She wanted it in the Ashram and it was there in 1972. She also teaches that the Delight which is the Supramental Consciousness is the only thing which will bring victory over the present state of misery and falsehood and corruption. We must have that Delight, which is power and endurance and supreme courage. It is the Supramental force – a spiritual force which is capable of transforming both the consciousness and the material world. It is far more difficult to do this than to escape into the nothingness of Nirvana. This new consciousness-force acts independently of our individual effort, and it creates our effort and makes use of it as evolution progresses.