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23 Apr / 2018Program by:
Featured: JianghaoLanguage: English

Nian the horrible monster


This story has been created as part of the Future School 9th grade Mythology Project, April 2018.

Once upon a time there was a monster named Nian. Nian loved visiting a little village in China each year. He would scare and kill people during the New Year, because he thought it was great fun. These events had gone on for many years until one year an old man came to the village. The old man told the villagers that he would stay in the village to fight Nian. All the villagers were shocked, and thought that would not work. They tried to convince him to come hide in the mountains but the old man was adamant.
Once all the villagers had fled to hide in the mountains, the old man started to prepare to fight Nian. He lit up street with red candles, stuck red banners on doors and entrances, hung up firecrackers and wore red clothes. That night when Nian came into the village to hunt humans, he was terrified by the scene and afraid to take action. Nian finally decided to scavenge through the street, suddenly the old man jumped out of nowhere, dressed in full red and holding firecrackers. Nian panicked because of the shock and ran off. The old man scared away Nian with the noise, the light and the colour red.
The next day the villagers came back and were surprised to see the old man still alive. From then on, every year the villagers prepared to fight Nian with the methods of the old man.
That is why people in China believe red holds a significant value. It represents luck. The colour red is used in making lanterns, clothes, paper crafts and many others. During New Year, children and adults shake rattles and light crackers to scare away Nian and other evil spirits.