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14 Feb / 2019Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga is the principal work of Sri Aurobindo explaining his method of Integral Yoga. In this volume he renders its essence comprehensible and illuminating.

This reading is the third portion of Chapter 23 The Supramental Instruments-Thought- Process, bottom of page 851.

A time must come when the mind shall call to its aid the intuition with all its great range of powers concealed behind our presently vague use of the word … which will be the beginning of the discovery of the supramental energy of the spirit … the supermind lifts the action of the mental consciousness into intuition … greater than the logical intelligence … lifting that up too in the true supramental action.

The supramental reason does all the work of the reasoning intelligence (and much more) with a greater power … is taken up into a higher range of the power of knowledge; nothing is lost; all is farther heightened, transformed in power of action.