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27 Feb / 2019Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga is the principal work of Sri Aurobindo explaining his method of Integral Yoga. In this volume he renders its essence comprehensible and illuminating.

This reading is the second portion of Chapter 24 The Supramental Sense, page 867.

The supramental sense can be aware of all things in whatever world, whatever plane, in whatever formation of universal consciousness. … using all the other states of sense consciousness, adding to them what they have not, setting right their errors and supplying their deficiencies: for the supramental sense is the source … .

Lifting the level of consciousness from the mind to the supermind must bring with it, to be complete, a transformation of all the parts of the nature and, all its activities. … The whole mind is supramentalised along with all its instruments.

Even that which is to us now discordant, jarring on the senses, is transformed and by delight in its intention in the divine consciousness, its harmony with the total self, becomes beautiful and happy to the soul experience. All sensation becomes Ananda.