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26 Sep / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Part Two, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter IV, Concention. Beginning on page 317.

In this chapter, Sri Aurobindo explains that “Purity and concentration ….. are of the same status of being; purity is the condition in which concentration becomes effective ….. by concentration purity does its works …..impurity is a confusion … entangled action of the different parts of the being …..”

“Comncentraton ….. removal of the thought from all distracting activities of the mind ….. concentration on the One by which the soul rises ….. into the one reality.

:By concentration on anything whatsoever we are able to know that thing ….. we must use this power to know not things, but the one Thing-in-itself ….. to become that which is above all things …. the pure and absolute Being …..”

The second half of this chapter will be the content of the next reading.