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18 Jul / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

This reading commences on page 264 Chapter 12 The Divine Work,
in Part 1: The Yoga of Divine Works, through page 271:

Sri Aurobindo poses the question for us: whether any work or what work is left for the soul after liberation and, to what purpose? This chapter fully explores the complexities of this question.

And again it is reiterated: If we seek the Divine it should be for the sake of the Divine and for nothing else because, that is the supreme call of our being, the deepest truth of the spirit. Realization of our true and highest self, of union with the Divine is the highest law of our nature; it is the Divine Will in us . . .

This chapter will continue on page 271 though page 276, end of chapter.