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28 Aug / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga is Sri Aurobindo’s comprehensive text on his method of Integral Yoga. In this volume he explains in detail, most thoroughly, Integral Yoga as well as examining traditional yogas.

This reading is of part 4, The Yoga of Self Perfection, the first half of Chapter 2 The Integral Perfection, pages 616-619. to be comopleted in the following reading.

Sri Aurobindo writes that the one most important aim of life, and the pursuance of that aim, is that man is capable of self development, of some approach to an ideal standard of perfection, (which his mind is able to conceive). A living of man in the Divine and a divine living of the Spirit in humanity will, therefore, be the whole object of an integral Yoga of self-perfection.