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27 Nov / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga is Sri Aurobindo’s principal work on his method of Integral Yoga; in it he offers explanations gleaming with clarity.

This reading continues in Part 4 The Yoga of Self-Perfection, Chapter 15 The Soul-Force and the 4-Fold Personality, pages 740-744, to be continued in the next reading.

The Force, poured into the instruments, and the One who works it for his universal ends … the Force will be the doer of all the action and the power … the One behind this force will be the Master of all being … of Oneness in being and of union with the Godhead seated within us, in whom we live, move and have our being.

A fullness of the divine soul and power of truth and knowledge in man is the perfection, the complete Brahmana.