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25 Dec / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga written by Sri Aurobindo offers the reader a complete and thorough explanation of his method of Integral Yoga.

This reading is of the first section of Chapter 19 The Nature of the Supermind, found in Part 4 The Yoga of Self-Perfection, page 783 to bottom of 787.

We live in the ordinary mortal mind; it is to the spiritual consciousness of our divine and immortal being that we aspire and which is the highest result of Yoga. The mind is an instrument dealing with the divisions of the finite, a basis of division. The mind cannot be itself the direct and perfect instrument of the infinite Spirit acting in its own knowledge. One may wonder how far the perfected human being can raise himself above the mind … The Supermind is nothing irrationally mystical but rather a logical necessity. It is not matter or mind but spirit which is the fundamental reality; everywhere it is a universal presence. In our own spiritual freedom there is a self-truth compelling each created thing to act and evolve according to its own nature. … The Spirit is one everywhere and it knows all things as itself and in itself.