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15 Jan / 2019Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga is Sri Aurobindo’s principal work on yoga. In it he explains in minute detail, ever so thoroughly, the method of his method of Integral Yoga.

This reading is comprised of the second half of Chapter 21 The Gradations of the Supermind, found in Part 4 The Yoga of Self-Perfection, pages 819-824.

The essential truths of self and spirit and the principal of things are not to the spiritual reason abstract ideas, but a constant reality … in the supramental nature it is the very condition of the self in all and all in the self, God in all and all in God, and all seen as God, lived by an integral, always present, always active realisation. … The Infinite, even in the normal mind, breaks through its own veils, giving intimations of Itself, in one manner or another. …. The lower or more limited may have a difficulty in understnding and feeling the higher, but the higher and less limited can always, if it will, understand and identify itself with the lower nature. … The supreme Ishwara is not aloof from us; he knows and lives in and identifies himself with all … while at the same time unsubjugated by the limitations of the mind, life and physical being in the universe.