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19 Jun / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

The Synthesis of Yoga

“What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break up the whole formation of our past and present … to create in ourselves a divine humanity … Mind has to cease to be mind and become brilliant with something beyond it. Life has to change into a thing vast and calm and intense and powerful … no longer its old blind eager narrow self of petty impulse and desire. Even the body has to become a conscious servant and radiant instrument and living form of the spirit .” -Sri Aurobindo

This reading in the Synthesis of Yoga is the first half of Part Three The Yoga of Divine Love, Chapter II: The Motives of Devotion, page 552.

All religion begins with the idea of some Power greater than ourselves, but sets a gulf between the Power worshipped and the worshipper. Yoga abolishes the gulf, for Yoga is union. Yoga is not a matter of theory or dogma; it is a matter of experience of a conscient supracosmic Being, with whom it brings us into union. This conscious experience is renewable and verifiable, as valid as our conscious experience of a physical world.
The next reading, continuing on page 556, will complete Chapter Three.