Photographer:Courtesy: PondyCAN | 1986. The beach in Pondicherry. Photographer:Courtesy: PondyCAN | 2000. The same beach...
12 Nov / 2010Program by:
Language: English

More Awareness on Land and Sea

The news today features land and sea and the sand connecting them: the beaches. A second beach erosion meeting held at Quiet last week focused on the urgent need for action and for joining forces, beginning with re-constitiuting an Auroville Coastal Group. Secondly to establish clear facts, and long-term as well as short-term objectives, beginning with the fact that the sea-erosion of Tamil Nadu’s beaches is caused by the Breakwater of Pondicherry’s harbour, which is due to the constructing of the many groynes in the Pondy territory, all of which block the natural flow of sand. See:

And on the land: Sadhana Forest, a sustainable community involved in the planting of 70 acres of land with Tropical Dry Evergreen species, invites anyone willing to work.