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28 Jan / 2019Program by:
Featured: MotherLanguage: English

Mother's Q And A, 6/2/57

Mother says that in the very depths of our being we have a need to perpetuate, to develop and to prolong life. Therefore we have negative reactions about death. We die because the universe is in a state of perpetual progressive development, but our physical matter – our body – is rigid by nature and its predominant characteristic is inertia, so change and transformation are very slow. Our mental and vital rhythms can follow the rhythm of the universal development and transformation, but the body needs to become more conscious and receptive and plastic to follow these rhythms. The time has come to change this with the manifestation of the new force, the consciousness, the new power which is capable of infusing it with the vibration that can transform it. Then it will no longer be necessary for the body to be destroyed in order for us to progress.