Photographer:web | Matrimandir  Amphitheater Photographer:web | Nelosn Mandela Day , Friday 18th of July at 5pm at Unity Pavilion Photographer:web | A Long Walk to Freedom, 18th of July at 5pm at Unity Pavilion Photographer:Amelia | after morning drizzle Photographer:Amelia | after morning drizzle Photographer:web | Super Moon in Capricorn Photographer:web | Matrimandir  Amphitheater
10 Jul / 2014Program by:

Repos Reopen on Sunday 13th

Today at 4.30pm at Unity Pavilion in International Zone third informal invitation for meeting regarding new steps toward Working Committee. With love for Toshi Malik on her onward journey, let us gather under the Banyan tree tomorrow Friday 11th, at 5.30pm. Amphitheater in Matrimandir on Saturday from 6.30 musical meditation for the full moonrise with classical music. Repos Beach Management Team invites us Sunday 13th between 8.30am to 8.30am for the reopening with different events from photo exhibition, volleyball, food…inauguration

Although his ego claims the world for its use,
Man is a dynamo for the cosmic work;
Nature does most in him, God the high rest:
Only his soul’s acceptance is his own.
Savitri B. VII, C. VI, P. 542, Sri Aurobindo