Uncategorized 26 Jan. 2019 by 

R.I.P. Oliver Tuku Mtukudzi

On Wednesday 23rd of Janaury musical word get to know that music legend Oliver Mtukudzi's guitar strums were silenced in diabetes battle. Tuku was handed a honorary award on Tuesday, and president of Zimbabwe declared him as national hero.

Bulletproof Funk with amazing Rando on vocals, Edo on guitar, Nico on drums, and visiting Mahatma on bass did not leave any one sitting. Thrilled audience danceable appreciated choice of repertoire, thirsty for more at Love a Fair@YC on 19th of January.

Tonight at 7pm at Adishakti Laboratory for Theatre Arts & Research (Edayanchavadi Road) we will have a chance to hear By2Blues band, and leading vocalist and guitar player is announcing the event.

Uncategorized 29 Jan. 2018 by 

Beyond Time

Russian duet "Beyond Time" by Aleksey and Anna Filatovy on Sunday 28th at Africa House, organized by Bratstvo Pavilion.

Uncategorized 08 Mar. 2017 by 

Djelan Duo

World and Latino dance night in Sve-Dame with French singer guitarist songwriter Djelan accompained by Suresh on drums

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