Uncategorized 02 Dec. 2018 by 

Foreign Body

Last night incredible solo performance of Imogen Bulter-Cole Foreign Body at Adhishakti Theatre talks about sexual violence, and put on display many stories, and ways of it, thus aiming to a change of society, starting with legislation.

Hallo, ich bin Harald von AVI-Deutschland. Seit ca. 10 Jahren liebe ich es, Sri Aurobindos Gedichte auswendig zu lernen und rezitieren. Hier einige Beispiele in deutsch von A God's Labour, The Miracle of Birth, God, The Infinite Adventure und Invitation.

Inauguration of Fabric Art by Manjula Selvam at Centre d'Art in Citadine depict mostly abstract pieces made from different fabric. Whole exhibition emanates joy over the life with bright , vivid colours... patterns. On display till 22nd of Spetember.

Uncategorized 08 Apr. 2018 by 

Adishkati's Bali

After four years Adishkati Theatre team staged last night their own production, and world premiere Bali, written and directed by Nimmy Rapahel. And we saw an amazing acting, through the interpretation of Bali's death.

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