Photographer:Anais | (Right Corner) Bhaga  along with other musicians performing at the Africian Pavilion.
01 Mar / 2018Program by:
Featured: AuroSpiritualsLanguage: English

AuroSpirituals at African Pavilion

In celebration of Auroville’s 50th Anniversary, AuroSpirituals was organised here at the African Pavilion.

The event was dedicated especially to Africa as the culture that gave birth to that delightful, unique spiritual expression of both soul and body together. This was an event basically where people sang and danced for the Divine.

Singing several songs like Sri Aurobindo’’s Prayer for the Earth, Rose of God, Africa – Africa, Tu Es… Lafrique and Africa – My Mom, the event also had a divine talk session where Bhaga encouraged the gathering with her words and experiences.



  • Thank you, Anaïs, for all your filming and editing work! One little mistake, though, to correct if still possible in the last words I am heard saying: it is “TRUE (not ‘through’) Spirituality is simple, very simple”. Is it possible for me to get the full recording, as Simon told me I could if I waited for your return? I’ll pass by again if neededbut I really need to have it, that ‘s the very reason why I asled AV Radio TV to come for that little event… 🙂

    • Miriam

      Dear Bhaga!
      thank You 🙂