Photographer:Andrea | Dr. Karan Singh, chairman of the Auroville Foundation, addressing the audience. Photographer:Andrea | Member of the Governing Board and the Working Committee Photographer:Andrea | Other member of the Governing Board and the Working Committee Photographer:Andrea | Part of the audience
27 Nov / 2010Program by:
Language: English

Interactions with GB and IAC

The chairman of the Auroville Foundation, Dr. Karan Singh, and members of the Governing Board met with residents of the Auroville’s community on Saturday 27th November at 6 pm. The International Advisory Council was also present. In the interaction. Dr. Karan Singh shared his feeling of happiness regarding the progress of Auroville; he stated that he sees new dynamism and momentum in the tasks of building the city. The education and the outreach programs also surprised him. He suggested that we prepare a pamphlet showing what Auroville is doing for the surrounding villages, Tamil Nadu State, the nation and ultimately the world.