Photographer:Tatjana | Lalit, Auroville Integral Sustainability Institute Photographer:Carla | Weaving Peace Shield Photographer:Carla | The Kaluveli Siddhar legends and its  Prophesis Photographer:barbara | Geomtry of the Heart by Jurgen P. Palymraart
17 Dec / 2012Program by:
Language: English

Learning on Sustainability

As a part of Auroville Integral Sustainability Institute, Lalit had organized a seven day program Learning about Sustainable Living and Inclusive Society’ for 60 Under Graduate students (Planning) from CEPT , and we’re featuring Lalit talking about it followed by the faculty member Nirav Makwana. Urban Planning Graduate Students from Queen’s University in Canada will present on Wednesday at 5pm at MMC Planning guidelines for network of Public Social spaces. Xmass Blah Blah fair at Youth Center and Phoenix Project CCC xmass party on 22nd.

IT has even been said that creation itself was and act of love or at least the building up of a field in which Divine Love could devise its symbols and fulfill itself in act of mutuality and self-giving, and if not the initial nature of creation, this may well be its ultimate object and motive.The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo

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