Photographer:aswathi | Puducherry Police Brass Band Photographer:aswathi | Puducherry Police Brass Band Photographer:aswathi | Puducherry Police Brass Band
04 Jul / 2016Program by:

Puducherry Police Brass Band

At the Gandhi beach, every weekend there is a brass band playing music near the Gandhi statue and no, they are not regular musicians. They are the rough and tough police force of Puducherry. The Puducherry police band was started in 1974  by the then Inspector General of Police,Mr.Nikhil Kumar. It was first called the Sepoy band. The band now performs at all ceremonial parades especially Independence day and Republic day. They perform a variety of genres and entertain the public. Their committee includes DGP,S.I, Head constables and Police constables. Their public performance is mainly done to give the tourists a good feeling about Puducherry and to tell them that Puducherry police are very friendly and helpful.


One comment

  • swar

    There is a factual error in your presentation of the Brass band: Pondicherry in 1974 was already under Indian administration for 20 years…