Photographer:web | Water Lilly
09 Jun / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Remembering Bhavana

To remember dear Bhavana Auroville Village Action Group (AVAG) would like to invite you this Saturday, to join them for a little get together to remember our great friend Bhavana Dee. On 11th of June it will be one month since she left her body. They would like to meditate together and if there are people who want to speak and remember her in a group, they would be very happy to provide the space for it. They want to connect Aurovilians, villagers and everybody else, who would like to join, in an open gathering and sharing about Bhavana. Please feel free to join them between 10 am and 11.30 am at the AVAG- Campus in Irumbai. An announcement From the News desk which says that Owing to the resignation of the main News& Notes messenger, the Messenger Service will be reduced drastically in the coming weeks. As a consequence we will also be short of delivery staff from July 1st. Every community is requested to install a covered mail box on the main gate for receiving the weekly News copies. There will be no more door-to-door delivery.

Yes, there are happy ways near to God’s sun; But few are they who tread the sunlit path; Only the pure in soul can walk in light.Savitri B. VI, C. II, P. 448
Whatever you do, always remember the Divine.
The Mother