Photographer:Vida | Denis and Manoj of SANTE Photographer:Vida | Denis and Manoj
26 Oct / 2018Program by:
Featured: ManojLanguage: English

Safety and Security of Our Youth and Children

Auroville is in many aspect a microcosmos of the planet, and as such is also not prone to behavior patterns which might be destructive or unwanted to broader community. With Dennis and Manoj, who are part of the project for Safety and Security for our Children and Youth we talk about it. The project will be presented on 20th of December at 5pm at Unity Pavilion, and they hope that many members of the community will attend and give feedback or further suggestions.
Group of Safety and Security for our Children and Youth is a group of very diverse individuals from highly skilled professionals, teachers to parents … aiming to create a safe space for healthy growth of our “offsprings”, Platfrom which is being created, works on many levels, starting with education for all ages on topics such is addiction, and unhealthy behavior, offering practical tools to change behavioral patterns, … to concrete interventions by professionals when needed.