Debora and Emerson Sales, hailing from Brasil, are currently engaged in projects in Auroville, and at the same time giving lectures, and collaborating with Pondicherry University. Talks was about paradigm shift which on the example of free bio diesel .

Uncategorized 06 Jan. 2019 by 

Slavic Soul Evening

Bratstvo (Bortherhood) Pavilion invited the community to celebrate with them traditional Christmas which falls on the eve of 7th of Janaury at the Unity Pavilion with singing, dancing and delicious food.

Denis and Manoj from SANTE are talking on multidsciplinary project which has arose in past months by very diverse group of people with different sets of skills , aiming to create safe space for our youth , addressing certain topics on many levels.

Juan and Anne talk about APET - Auroville Peer Educational Training, where first 20 youth and young adults have gone through an intensive workshop to actively serve in the community as healthier role models, and help , if needed.

We all know that water means life, and Kireet talks on how important is to conserve rainwater ... Kireet known in the community persistent work on our water conservation by building dams and doing bunding.

Warring Self or Performance in Progress was staged at Tai Chi Hall last night by Savita, Deepa, Ranthinavel and Chenthuran, exposing social un-justice of those who are different; on margin because of cast, color, gender, clothes, religion, place of birth...

A short interview whit our architect Shailaja Sudhalkar Bhati at the occasion of receiving Global Architecture and Design Awards for the Nandanam Kindergarten designed by the PATH team.

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