Photographer:miriam | Selection of Our next WC and AVC Photographer:miriam | Silver Box at Town Hall Photographer:miriam | Proposal Forms Photographer:miriam | Selection Photographer:miriam | Selection
23 Aug / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Selection Boxes

Resident Assembly Service informs us that The silver RAS boxes will be waiting to receive our Candidate Proposal Forms until Monday 5th September at the Solar Kitchen, Town Hall, PTDC and Pour Tous Aspiration. Two Candidate Proposal Forms (one for AVC members, one for WC members) will be available wherever the boxes are placed. On all locations boxes will be there until noon, at Solar Kitchen until. Next AVI meeting at Ethiopia at the end of October need sponsors for speakers / participants because AVI’s donations are not enough. PT # 251350

Remember always the Divine and all you do will be and expression of the Divine Presence. The Mother