The essence of real freedom is the perfect realization of the highest consciousness. In perfect union with the supreme reality there is perfect freedom. True love is self-giving and willing servitude in an inner harmony. It is returning towards the deeper truth of the supreme reality; our origin.

Sri Aurobindo, Mother, the Ashram and Auroville are introduced and explained to a group of Chinese visitors to Auroville. English presentation, interpreted into Chinese. 听洛雷塔老师向一群来黎明之城的中国访客介绍室利·阿罗频多和母亲,室利·阿罗频多修道院以及黎明之城的缘起,并与他们问答和亲切互动。

Sri Aurobindo and Mother’s teachings about our Immortal soul; what it is and how realizing our soul is the first major step in Sri Aurobindo's yoga. Interpreted for Chinese visitors to Auroville. 在第二次分享时,洛雷塔(Loretta)老师向中国访客们谈到如何开始实修室利·阿罗频多的综合瑜伽。最后的精彩问答互动充满智慧、诗意与欢笑。

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