Photographer:Google Images | Cultural Wealth
25 May / 2011Program by:

Africa United in Auroville

For Africa Culture Day this Saturday 28th of May, we share a selection of songs to get you into the rhythm of the drum loving and moving continent. On Saturday, a whole day will be devoted to the rich and diverse cultures of the continent, but also to discuss plans of establishing an African Pavilion here in Auroville, which will embody the cultural and spiritual richness of the various countries.African students and African Aurovillians will come together and use this as another opportunity for building strong ties needed to materialize the vision of a peaceful future.

The day will start on the land selected for the African Pavilion. African students and Aurovillians will present to the greater community the progressions of plans, as well as their successes and current challenges. The land will be blessed with speeches, singing, poetry, and drumming by the Mohanam Boys and supporters from Svaram. Later in the afternoon a formal presentation with facts and figures will be given in the Unity Pavilion. And for a memorable closure, the Youth Center will host a Cultural Event/Talent show.