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12 Aug / 2013Program by:
Language: English

Collective Bonfire at MM

On Thursday 15th August on Sri Aurobindo’s birthday will be at the Matrimandir Amphitheater a collective meditation with a dawn fire .The fire will be lit at 5.15 am. On the 17th August at 8pm at Sri Aurobindo Auditorium we can see Romeo Juliet -a play by the Abhang theater group. Tomorrow at MMC in Town hall from 3:45 6 pm we can listen again to Presentations of water and land use by Gilles Boulicot and Suhasini Ayer. Hand Made Radio Art – WORKSHOP at CRIPA on Saturday and Sunday. Swimathon at La Piscine on Saturday from noon to midnight

It is only in the Divine that we can find perfect peace and total satisfaction.With my blessings. The Mother