Hoy una visita de Paraguay.Su lengua , el Guarani , su cultura , sus paisajes ...y el agua:lagos, humedales y el Aquífero más importante del mundo,con agua dulce para todos los habitantes del Planeta por 200 anios... l Planeta po

Debora and Emerson Sales, hailing from Brasil, are currently engaged in projects in Auroville, and at the same time giving lectures, and collaborating with Pondicherry University. Talks was about paradigm shift which on the example of free bio diesel .

Bulletproof Funk with amazing Rando on vocals, Edo on guitar, Nico on drums, and visiting Mahatma on bass did not leave any one sitting. Thrilled audience danceable appreciated choice of repertoire, thirsty for more at Love a Fair@YC on 19th of January.

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