Photographer:Miriam | Emergence - Mishko M'Ba, Suresh Bascara, Krishna McKenzie, Karthick Srinivasan Photographer:Miriam | Krishna and Karthik at sound check Photographer:Miriam | Emergence
09 Feb / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Growth of Emergence

We all love them…the music and lyrics of Emergence. The last concert at Sri Aurobindo Auditorium in Bharat Nivas, the Pavilion of Indian Culture was somehow different. More serious, deeper in musical expression, a play, an investigation of musicians who knows each other well, and although so different, finding the common “word” in a given moments. Yes, Emergence is a fusion of poetic rock, Carnatic music, and at times funky jazz, with intimate lyrics from Krishna’s love and life.

And yet, this concert once again proved, that when we’re dealing with electricity, for a good concert, musicians are not enough. It takes an experienced sound engineer, in this case Joel, who cares as much for the music, as for the perfection of sound, to make the experience perfect for the audience.